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06 April 2019

Mountain tracking is one of the best types of team building, as it combines incredible experiences, overcoming obstacles and opening new horizons on the way to a common goal. Strengthen with body and spirit - a trip makes a person stronger in spirit, because there, up in the mountains, you can only rely on yourself and your team members.

On June 4th, 2019, the route was chosen - Lake Garanohur. The lake is located high in the mountains in the territory of Azerbaijan in the village of Talystan, Ismaili district, at an altitude of 1520 m above sea level. It is located not only in the mountains, but it is also surrounded by a dense picturesque forest. Therefore, you can reach it only on foot, overcoming steep descents and ascents through the forest and mountains. The duration of the rise is 4-5 hours. The reward for such long and difficult trip is a beautiful transparent lake with clear water, surrounded by amazing foliage of trees.

The result of this trip was that the team received awareness of some important lessons, that usually help to achieve your goals:

  • Correctly allocate the forces - if you do not calculate the forces at the beginning of the route and climb in burst of energy, you may not reach the top. The same at work, if you misallocated your resources before starting, invested maximum resources at the launch of the project, then you simply will not have the strength to further implement it and continue to function.
  • One must be prepared for the unexpected, at the beginning of the route, the peaks are not visible, it is impossible to calculate each step when standing below. Therefore, sometimes you have to change the plan on the go, make decisions on the spot, according to the circumstances.
  • It is necessary to set intermediate goals, like climbers do, and go to the top of the project by distributing the load in a dosed manner, so that there is no emotional burnout or health failure.
  • Do not compare yourself with others, work on yourself, set yourself new goals and records, stay ahead of deadlines, earn more, derive pleasure from a difficult deal.

Each fulfilled dream - gives rise to a new, bolder, ambitious, lofty. And thus, having reached a height of 1520 meters above sea level, having received the maximum of impressions and pleasure, we are not going to stop. New heights, new goals are awaiting for us ahead.